sreda, 16. junij 2010

Interesting history of South Africa

South Africa has some of the oldest deposits paleoanthropological Africa millions of years ago, was inhabited by Australopithecus africanus surviving gathering roots, nuts and vegetables, shellfish, hunting and fishing. They were succeeded by various species of Homo including Homo habilis, Homo ergaster and modern humans (Homo sapiens).

The Bushmen last 100,000 years and then present the Hottentots, are the first human groups settled. During the Iron Age until the present, black human groups spread across the territory. Bantu farmers settled in the s. IV and V south of the Limpopo river. He later moved further south to the present province of KwaZulu-Natal, where the oldest foundry, which dates from 1050. In the historical period, the Xhosa ethnic group was set even further south, reaching the Fish River in what is now Eastern Cape province. These more advanced populations displaced the native hunter-gatherers.

When the Europeans arrived, the indigenous population was the result of immigration from other parts of Africa between highlighting the Xhosa and Zulu peoples. Although from the late fifteenth century Europeans had sailed close to the South African coast, only in 1652 the Company Netherlands East Indies established a small settlement that would become Cape Town. The city became a British colony in 1806, causing the Boers (settlers from Holland, Flanders, France and Germany) and the British settlers inside the north and east of the territory, triggering a series of conflicts between the Afrikaner, Xhosa and Zulu for possession of the land.

The discovery of diamonds and gold mines triggered the conflict known as the Second Boer War, which pitted the British and the Boers for control of the country's mineral resources. Although the Boers were losers of the war, the United Kingdom granted independence in 1910 limited to South Africa as a British colony. Inside the country's white elite anti-British carried out a series of policies intended to achieve total independence. Racial segregation was gaining strength and impregnating the South African law was instituted regime become known by the name of apartheid, which established three categories of racial stratification.

The country finally achieved independence in 1961, when it was declared the Republic of South Africa. The government continued to legislate under the apartheid regime, despite opposition from both outside and inside the country. In 1990, the South African government began a series of negotiations that ended the discriminatory laws and the convening of the first democratic elections in 1994. After the elections the country rejoined the Commonwealth of Nations.

The written history of South Africa begins with the arrival of the Portuguese. In 1487 Bartholomew Diaz was the first European to reach the southernmost point of Africa, and named it Cabo das Storms (Cape of Storms) due to bad weather experienced in the region. However, when he returned to Lisbon laden with news about the discovery, King John II of Portugal wanted to change the name to Cabo da Boa Esperança (Cape of Good Hope) and from that point promised to establish a sea route to the Portuguese could go to seek the riches of India. Later the Portuguese poet Luís de Camões immortalized the journey of Bartholomew Diaz in the epic poem Lusiads, particularly with the mythological character Adamastor, which symbolizes the forces of nature Portuguese navigators had to overcome during the circumnavigation of the ropes . The first written accounts of the history of South Africa were obtained from the first sailors and shipwrecked survivors. During the two centuries after 1488 the Portuguese sailors made a few small fishing agreements that coast, but does not keep any written records about them. On April 6, 1652, Jan van Riebeeck established an aid station at the Cape of Good Hope to the Netherlands' East Indies. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the small colony was spreading slowly, mainly in the Netherlands sovereignty. The settlers eventually met with expanding Xhosa people in the Fish River region. It is then triggered a series of wars called the Cape Frontier Wars, caused by conflicts over land and food. To alleviate the shortage of workers in the Cape, slaves were brought from Indonesia, Madagascar, and India. The descendants of these slaves, who often intermarried with settlers Dutchmen, were later classified together with the descendants of the San as mestizos Cape and Cape Malays, who constitute almost half the population of the Western Cape Province.
Britain occupied the area of Cape of Good Hope in 1797 during the fourth Anglo-Holland. The Netherlands declared bankruptcy, and the British annexed the Cape Colony in January 1806. The British continued their wars against the Amaxhosa, pushing the eastern border to the east along a line of forts established along the Fish River and consolidating it to promote new British settlements. Due to pressure of abolitionist societies in Britain, the British parliament first stopped its global slave trade in 1806, later to abolish slavery in all its colonies in 1833., Previsioni lungo termine, Previsão do tempo,, Uber