ponedeljek, 28. junij 2010

All you should know about history of Mallorca

The remains found in Mallorca earliest date from the 3500 a. C. at the time of the Neolithic transition period between the Bronze Age, where the first copper objects make an appearance. The earliest known inhabitants of the islands, (though of dubious origin) were the Balearic slingers.

In the municipality of Calvia, in the resort of Santa Ponsa, is a hilly mountain called Puig de sa Morisca which has an archaeological park with the remains of burial caves navetas and covering an area of 35 hectares.

By 1300 BC C. lived crucial changes that resulted in the emergence of culture talayótica. This culture war that lasted after Quintus Caecilius Metellus (which later receive Balearicus nickname), conquer the island to the Roman Republic in 123 a. C. Due to frequent pirate attacks based on the islands, Rome decided to take over the archipelago. Legend has it that the Roman general had to protect their boats from the skins of animals, because their deep slingers firing prevented them from landing. The Roman legions took two years to submit the islands. Following the conquest, the slingers became part of the Roman auxiliary troops fighting prominently with Julius Caesar in the conquest of Gaul (the shells were not very effective defense against missiles of the slingers).

In the year 425 Mallorca suffered invasion and looting of the Vandals, among which Walka Podgorica, Germanic people who settled on the island until the year 534, when the Byzantine general Belisarius ordered to conquer the Balearic archipelago.

In 707 there was the first Muslim landed on record. There followed two centuries of continuous unrest until 903 years from Mallorca was held by the Muslim Umayyad dynasty. Alaro Castle held out for eight years, according to the chronicles, and was the last refuge of the resistance of the rumi (Christians) during the Muslim conquest. The Mallorcan Proto is then replaced by Arabic. Then came a flowering stage, during which Mayurqa Madina, Palm today was a great cultural center.

In 1115 a Pisan fleet Mallorca-attacked in a punitive expedition in retaliation for pirate activities that were carried from the island. Looted and destroyed first Mayurqa Medina, in the absence of Ramon Berenguer III, the Pisan navy squadron fled when he spotted the Almoravids sent from Africa. The island remained in family hands Almoravid Ganiya Banu, who encouraged piracy against Christian ships. Later, in 1203, the Almoravids took over Mallorca. In 1208, the Almohad governor appointed Abu Yahya, who formed a semi-independent principality, with just a formal submission to the Almohad emir.

Aragonese troops of Jaime I the Conqueror, who came to the island in 1229, finally conquered the island for Christians. After defeating Abu Yahya definitely in the battle of Portopí (1229) and take and pass a knife Mayurka Medina (1230), the resistance ceased 1231. James I established in his will the kingdom of Mallorca Mallorca not only understanding, but the rest of the Balearic Islands-Menorca (still under the power of a sovereign Muslim, although tax since 1231), Ibiza and Formentera, "the counties of Roussillon and Cerdaña; and territories that Jaime I kept in Occitan (the lordship of Montpellier, Viscount Carladès and barony of OMEL). At his death (1276), his son Jaime II de Mallorca assumed the throne after the swearing in of the so-called Charter of the Franchises. The independence of the kingdom was short. In 1349 he was reinstated to the Crown of Aragon. The death of King James III of Mallorca in the Battle of Llucmajor was the end of the Kingdom of Mallorca. Even until his death in 1404 his daughter Elizabeth, established in Gallargues Castle near Montpellier, which was granted by King Charles VI of France, was proclaimed Queen of Mallorca.

At the time of Charles I, in 1521, his was an uprising similar to that of germanium kingdom of Valencia (insurrection of the forans) reaching the insurgents to encircle the town of Alcudia, where the nobility had taken refuge on the island. Throughout the sixteenth century, the island, like the rest of the Balearics and the Spanish Levant, suffered attacks and looting of Turkish and Berber pirates. During the War of Spanish Succession, the island opted for the Archduke Charles of Austria, against Philip of Anjou.
Meteorologica, Slovenia, Igre, slovreme.net, http://tr4veler.blogspot.si

sobota, 26. junij 2010

Ibiza history

Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea and part of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, Spain. It has a length of 570 km ² and a population of 125,053 inhabitants (INE 2008). Its length is 210 km coastline, where small boulders alternate. The maximum distance of the island is 41 kilometers from north to south and 15 kilometers from east to west.

It has a very irregular morphology formed by several mountains of which the highest is Sa Talaia, located in the municipality of San José 475 meters.

The island is very famous worldwide for its festivals and nightclubs, which attract many tourists. Among the most famous clubs include Space, Pacha, Privilege Ibiza, Amnesia, DC10, El Divino, Café del Mar or Es Paradis of Ibiza port area also attracts many tourists for its nightlife.

Deposits have been found dating from the Bronze Age, both on the island of Ibiza (drawings on the cover of Ses Fontanelles) and her younger sister Formentera (megalithic monuments in Ca na Costa) to prove its population from 2000 to 1600 BC. The island of Ibiza preserves archaeological Phoenicians and Carthaginians, it was an important commercial area within the nautical culture of this town. Both the route from east to west and vice versa, the island was suitable crossing point for sailors from the prevailing winds and currents of the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately half of the eighth century BCE C. founded the first settlement was stable in the SW area, the site of Sa Caleta, who will be responsible until the end of the century that will be abandoned. It is unknown the fate of the settlers who might find these Phoenician sailors, but all the effects disappear as its own entity.

About the same time it begins to develop the city of Ibiza, in the same location as the current city, mainly due to its great port, much larger than the present and the situation on a small hill about 100 m above sea level. Between the seventh century C. and an indeterminate time, the island will remain within the orbit of the polis Canaanite Middle East until its conquest by the Assyrians and Qart Hadasht (Carthage), then to its destruction by the Romans in the year 146 BC C.

The extensive occupation of the island will grow its production and wealth of products to be appointed by the Roman historians for their wool, figs, wine and salt. Proof of economic boom are the own coinage made on the island since the late fourth century C. the symbol of the island, the god Bes, who is the name of 'island of Bes', syncretism of the god of fertility Egyptian fraternal. It is also good example of this boom foundation in Mallorca in a series of financial settlements in the south near the salt for its use, as well as economic relations with the islanders talayótica culture. Ibiza appear already during the Second Punic War besieged and ravaged by Scipio brothers after his victory in Cesse. Abandoned, without being taken the city by the Romans who believe that a Carthaginian fleet this way. Appears again mentioned as the last city loyal to Carthage Carthaginian general Mago when she flees after being rejected by Gadir / Cadiz. Mago is reset in Ibiza and Menorca to march and to recruit mercenaries and found Mahon. Ibiza is soon to be pragmatic and freely surrendered to the Romans, which allows it to maintain its social systems and culture well into the Punic Roman principality. It is at this time when Ibiza is also known as "Augusta Insula" in continuation of his sacred name Phoenician Island of Bes. Do not take to get the status of a Roman town which gives it greater rights. This however could not stop the slow decline of the port and island. After the election of Tarraco / Tarragona as the capital of the province of Tarraconesis, marine traffic changes and begins to take a route closer to the newly conquered Mallorca (123 BC).

The Romans also traded with the Balearic Islands, which had some wealth as salt, figs or extraction of minerals was the name given by the Phoenicians, and its adaptation to Latin Ebusus. Next to Formentera island called Formentera, due to the abundance of pine trees in three different classes. While tribes inhabiting the major islands and underdeveloped culturally barbaric traditions in the eyes of the Hellenistic culture, where people lived Pitiusas Semitic tradition, descendants of immigrants from the Middle East, or polis Hadasht Qart Semitic South Iberian Peninsula . The reason for putting this name to the islands could only be to not call "islands of the Canaanites, which would mark the membership of this orbit, as pine trees, which tradition claims the name, there are as many or more in Mallorca Menorca as in the Balearic Islands.
Prediccion meteorologica, Prevision meteorologica, 16 dni, Previsioni meteo Torino, http://pogodaweather.blog.pl

sreda, 23. junij 2010

30 years of Pac Man Game

Pac-Man is an arcade game created by game designer Toru Iwatani of Namco company, and distributed by Midway Games for the U.S. market in the early 1980s.
Since Pac-Man was released on May 21, 1980, was a success. It became a worldwide phenomenon in the gaming industry, and ended with the domain of Space Invaders, where the action was predominantly shoot-em-up and replace it with a single, more humorous and little violent that many people liked.
The protagonist of the game Pac-Man is a yellow circle with a missing sector therefore appears to mouth. Appears in mazes where you eat small dots, points and prizes over the shape of fruits and other objects. The objective of the character is to eat all the points on the screen, time that is passed to the next level or screen. However, four ghosts or monsters, Shadow (Blinky), Speedy (Pinky), Bashful (Inky) and Pokey (Clyde), walk the labyrinth to try eating Pac-Man. These ghosts are, respectively, red, pink, light blue, and orange. In the original game (Puck-Man), the ghosts were called Akabei, Pinky, and Guzuta Aosuke. The ghosts are not the same, so while Blinky is very fast, and has the ability to find you on stage, Inky is very slow and often avoid the encounter with Pac-Man.

There are four points larger than normal located near the corners of the maze, and Pac-Man provided a temporary ability to eat the monsters (all of them turn blue while Pac-Man has that ability). After being swallowed, the ghosts are regenerated at "home" (a box located in the center of the labyrinth). The time in which the monsters remain vulnerable screen varies, but tends to decrease as the game progresses, and after many screens special points have no effect on the ghosts, with the exception of level 6 in which The effect lasts a few seconds rather than 5.

There are some breaks between some screens (between 2 and 3, 5 and 6, 9 and 10 and then every four screens) that are humorous scenes about Pac-Man and ghosts.

Besides eating the dots, Pac-Man can get additional points if you eat any of the objects that appear twice on screen just below the box in the center of the labyrinth from where the monsters. The object changes each screen or two, and their point value increases, so that two cherries (the award of the first screen) are worth 100 points, while the last object, key, worth 5,000.

The game is completely playable just 255 screens, being the largest number that can be expressed with eight digits in the binary system. Although, technically, there is a level 256, if it reaches the right side of the screen is garbled with inconsistent characters and making the game virtually unplayable. This is because the level counter (stored in a single byte) comes to 256 (when the maximum storable in a byte is 255, which produces an error of "overflow"). Then the program tries to draw 256 fruits, which causes the aforementioned distortion of the right half of the screen. The Pac-Man enthusiasts refer to this level as the "Final Level", the "Item Level Screen (Split-Screen Level) or simply as the end of Pac-Man.
In Pac-Man World is the family of Pac-Man is kidnapped by various monsters. The Pac-man's father is kidnapped by some aliens, Pooka is kidnapped by a living ship, the dog Chomp Chomp is kidnapped by Anubis, the son of Pac-Man was kidnapped by a robot factory and Mrs Pac-Man is abducted by ghosts.
Then it became a game called Ms. Pac-Man, where several said she was the wife of Pac-Man. The game of Ms. Pac-Man is also eating small dots, large dots in a maze. The image of Ms. Pac-Man is equal to that of Pac-Man, is also a circle with a missing sector, only has a bun in the head, one eye closed and lipstick.
Initially, Pac-Man's enemies were referred to as monsters in the arcade world, but soon became ghosts.
The ghosts are bound by the maze in the same way that Pac-Man, but generally move slightly faster than the player, but become slower when you activate the special points of the corners and slow down significantly as it passes through the tunnels at the sides of the maze (Pac-Man while passing through these tunnels unhindered). Pac-Man slows down slightly while eating dots, potentially allowing a ghost chase to capture him during those times.
Blinky, the red ghost, speed increases after a certain number of points to be eaten (this number decreases at higher levels). The accelerated Blinky is unofficially called Cruise Elroy, although opinions differ about the origins of this term.
igre.spiel.si, Online Games, El Tiempo en Espana, Play games, http://vreme.edublogs.org

ponedeljek, 21. junij 2010

Interesting history of Malaysia

The Federation of Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia which consists of thirteen states and three federal territories, with an area of 329 847 km ². Its capital is Kuala Lumpur but Putrajaya is the seat of government. It has a population of twenty million people, distributed in a land divided into two regions by the South China Sea. The Peninsular Malaysia is located in the Malay Peninsula and bordered to the north and south Thailand with Singapore. The East Malaysia, meanwhile, is located in the northern part of Borneo, bordered on the south by Indonesia and Brunei to the north. is located near the Ecuador and its climate is tropical.

Archaeological remains have been found in Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. The Semang, a black ethnic group, have a significant percentage of their ancestors in the Malay Peninsula, since their migration from Africa 50,000 years ago. They are considered an indigenous group in the region.

The Senoi are a group composed, with about half of their DNA with Semang ancestors and the other half of Indo-Chinese sources. It has been suggested that their ancestors are Austronesian-speaking farmers, who brought their own language and technology for nearly 5,000 years.

The Aboriginal Malays are more diverse. Although some have cone connection Southeast Asia, other ancestry in Indochina at the time of wisconsiense glaciation, 20,000 years ago.

Ptolemy showed the Malay Peninsula in the first map, referring to the Straits of Malacca and Sinus Sabaricus. In the early to mid-first millennium, much of the peninsula and the Indies were under the influence of Srivijaya.

The Chinese and Indians founded kingdoms in the II and III known as Kedaram, Cheh-Cha or Kataha, in ancient Pallava or Sanskrit. Chola dynasty controlled Kedah in 1025.
The Strait of Malacca has been and is central to the history of Malaysia.

Between VII and XIII centuries much of the Peninsula area was under control of Srivijaya Empire, originally from Palembang in Sumatra. Then, the Majapahit Empire, based on the island of Java, had a major influence on what is today the country as a whole.

Then the Buddhist kingdom of Ligor controlled the region. Their king Chandrabhanu used it to attack Sri Lanka in the eleventh century, an event remembered in a stone inscription in Tamil Nadu and in Sri Lankan chronicles of Mahavamsa. During the first millennium peninsular peoples adopted Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as the Sanskrit language. Later, however, its population became the majority of Islam.

The ancient kingdom of Gangga Negara, near Beru in Perak, has a history even older. "Pattinapalai", a Tamil poet of the second century, describes the gods of Kadaram beaten in the streets of the capital of Chola. The drama in the seventh century Kaumudhimahotsva Sanskrit, refers to Kedah as Kataha-Nagari. The Agnipurana also speaks of a territory known as Anda-Kataha with its borders marked by a peak, which specialists consider to be the state's highest mountain, the Gunung Jerai. Katasaritasagaram Tales speak of life in Kataha.

In the early fifteenth century, Prince Parameswara from Palembang, established a dynasty and founded the Sultanate of Malacca. Having to flee, he sailed to Temasek where he was protected by the Malaysian Chief Temagi, who had been declared regent by the King of Siam. After murder took office. Years later, in Muar Sening Ujong visited the locality which corresponds today to Malacca. According to the Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals) in that place was a deer-mouse teasing a dog under a amalakapor which decided to call his kingdom there Malacca and establish its first location.

One theory Parameswara converted to Islam after marrying the princess of Pasai, in addition to adopting the title "Shah", calling himself Iskandar Shah. There are also indications that members of the elite and merchants of Malacca and were Muslims. According to Chinese chronicles in 1414 his son visited Ming for reporting his death, where he was recognized as his heir by the Emperor, reigning from 1414-1424.
Tiempo Meteorologico, Previsao do tempo Portugal, Hiking, Spiel, http://ftp.szotar.a60.us

sobota, 19. junij 2010

Why you should learn German

German (Deutsch, in German) is an Indo-European language belonging to the group of West Germanic languages. It is also one of the world's major languages and has most native speakers in the European Union.

It is spoken mainly in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, two thirds of Switzerland, two thirds in the province of South Tyrol (Italy) in two small counties in East Belgium and in some border towns in the county of South Jutland ( Nordschleswig) in Denmark.

In Luxembourg, as well as in the French regions of Alsace and Lorraine, the native population speak German dialects, and some even master standard German (especially in Luxembourg), although in Alsace and Lorraine French has significantly replaced the local German dialects during the last forty years.

Germanohablantes certain communities still survive in parts of Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary and especially Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland, although the mass returns to Germany in the 1990s, these populations have been decreasing in a meaningful way. Outside Europe, germanohablantes the largest communities are in the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Mexico, where millions of Germans migrated in the last 200 years, but the vast majority of their descendants do not speak German . In addition, communities can be found in the former colony germanohablantes German Namibia. The Alexander von Humboldt Organization of the City of Mexico has the school's largest teaching German outside Germany, as well as in other countries under German emigration such as Canada, Iceland, Thailand and Australia.

German is one of the official languages of the European Union for being the mother tongue of about 100 million people in 2004, representing 13.3% of Europeans. It is also the most spoken language on the continent, Russia excluded, above French (66.5 million speakers in 2004 in Europe) and English (64.2 million speakers in 2004 in Europe). He is considered the third most popular language taught as a foreign language worldwide, the second in Europe and the third in the U.S. after Spanish and French. With over 150 million German speakers in 38 countries, is hardly surprising that the use of language varies. As the English and Spanish, German is a language with three main centers pluricentric: Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The German way with the Dutch, his nearest relative, an area well-defined, cohesive language that separates from its neighbors by language barriers accurate. These neighbors are in the North Frisian and Danish, for the eastern Polish, Sorbian, Czech and Hungarian, on the south Slovenian, Italian, Friulian, Ladin and Romansch; and west French. Save Frisian, none of these West Germanic languages is therefore clearly different from German and Dutch. While the Frisian is a Germanic language, like German and Dutch, are not considered to be mutually intelligible with them.

The situation is more complex with regard to the distinction between German and Dutch. Until recently there has been a dialect continuum throughout the whole area germanohablante without language barriers. In this continuum, dialects always mutually intelligible with its neighbors, but the dialects are not generally be removed. The German-Dutch continuum provides a classification of the dialects of High German and Low German based on the presence of the second consonant shift. The Netherlands is part of the group under German. However, due to the political separation between Germany and the Netherlands, Low German dialects of Germany and the Netherlands are beginning to diverge throughout the twentieth century. In addition, many dialects in both countries are on the brink of extinction, having been replaced by the standard language. Thus, the linguistic border between Dutch and German is beginning to form.
Übersetzung Englisch Deutsch, Water project, El Tiempo, Pogoda na 16 dni, http://mktravel.blog.mk

petek, 18. junij 2010

Why visit Barcelona

Barcelona is a city in northeastern Spain, capital of Catalonia, of the province and the region of Barcelona. Located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, about 120 km south of the Pyrenees mountain chain and the French border, on a plain bounded by the sea to the east, the Sierra de Collserola west, the river Llobregat to the south and Besos River to the north. Having been the capital of the County of Barcelona, it is often mentioned with the name of Barcelona.

With a population of 1,621,537 inhabitants (INE 2009), is the second most populous Spanish city after Madrid, and the tenth of the European Union. Barcelona Metropolitan Area, composed of thirty-six municipalities, has a population of 3,218,071 inhabitants and an area of 636 km ². The Barcelona metropolitan area is the delimitation officially defined as urban core, however, this would fall under the Urban Region of Barcelona, which would extend throughout the catchment area of the city, with 4,992,193 (INE 2009) people with a population density of 1,542 inhabitants per km.

The city has staged various global events that have helped shape the city and give it international renown. The most important have been the Universal Exhibition of 1888 and the International Exhibition of 1929 and the summer Olympics 1992. It is also home to the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean.

Located on the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona is built on a slight incline platform formed between the deltas of the rivers Llobregat river, southwest, and the Besos, northeast, southeast and bounded by the coastline, and the northwest by the Collserola (with the top of Tibidabo 516.2 m highest point), which parallels the coastline, encasing the town in a very defined scope.

The part of Barcelona to the mountains nearest coastline is dotted with small peaks some of which are urbanized, and other crowned parks, such as: Caramel (265.6 meters), Monterols (127.3 meters), the Putxet ( 182.7 meters), the Rovira (206.8 meters) and the Peira Turó (138 meters). But the top most famous of Barcelona, just above the coastline and the separated Llobregat Delta town is the mountain of Montjuic (184.8 meters). Finally mention the promontory of only 16.9 m which sits the historic city core, Mount Taber.

The first traces of population in the area of the city date back to late Neolithic (2000-1500 BC). However, the first prominent settlers do not appear until the centuries VII - VI BC, Laietans, an Iberian people. According to tradition, during the Second Punic War, the Carthaginians took the city re-founded by Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal. According to the same traditions, the name derives from the lineage Barcelona Hannibal Barca though, however, no evidence of the Carthaginian presence in the plain of Barcelona. After the defeat of that town by the increasing domination by Romans, who caught the territory to 218 a. C. and renamed the city as IVLIA COLOGNE AVGVSTA Faventia PATERNA BARCINO between 15 a. C. and 10 a. C.. The Ptolemy world map appears with the name Barcino. Barcino took the form of castrum or military fortification in its early stages although trade was shifting the importance of the city, in the second century was fortified by order of Roman emperor Claudius and as early as the third century had a population of between 4,000 and 8,000 inhabitants.

The Visigoths, following his arrival in the V century, made it for a few years in the capital of the Hispanic territories, handing over power until after Toledo. In the eighth century was conquered by Al-Hurr, but retaken by Louis the Pious Christian territory of the Carolingian Empire in 801, incorporating the Marca Hispanica. Muslim attacks did not cease, and Mansur 985 troops destroyed almost the entire city. Borrell II began the reconstruction period giving way to thriving county. During this period the city stood out among the Catalan lands and the entire dominion of the Crown of Aragon, and was left where many troops and resources to the company taking new possessions. The city flourished and would become a major western Mediterranean in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Several monarchs of the Crown of Aragon ruled from Barcelona. The city stood on a commercial level, but below that of Genoa and Venice, which dominated trade in the Mediterranean and between Europe and Asia.

Barcelona has a total of 1.62809 million inhabitants, of whom 774 890 are men and 853,200 women, according to the statistics department of the City of Barcelona, made with 2008 census data. In 2007 there were 1,603,178 inhabitants.
El Tiempo en España, El Tiempo Barcelona, Meteo Trieste, Meteo Milano, Genaral

sreda, 16. junij 2010

Interesting history of South Africa

South Africa has some of the oldest deposits paleoanthropological Africa millions of years ago, was inhabited by Australopithecus africanus surviving gathering roots, nuts and vegetables, shellfish, hunting and fishing. They were succeeded by various species of Homo including Homo habilis, Homo ergaster and modern humans (Homo sapiens).

The Bushmen last 100,000 years and then present the Hottentots, are the first human groups settled. During the Iron Age until the present, black human groups spread across the territory. Bantu farmers settled in the s. IV and V south of the Limpopo river. He later moved further south to the present province of KwaZulu-Natal, where the oldest foundry, which dates from 1050. In the historical period, the Xhosa ethnic group was set even further south, reaching the Fish River in what is now Eastern Cape province. These more advanced populations displaced the native hunter-gatherers.

When the Europeans arrived, the indigenous population was the result of immigration from other parts of Africa between highlighting the Xhosa and Zulu peoples. Although from the late fifteenth century Europeans had sailed close to the South African coast, only in 1652 the Company Netherlands East Indies established a small settlement that would become Cape Town. The city became a British colony in 1806, causing the Boers (settlers from Holland, Flanders, France and Germany) and the British settlers inside the north and east of the territory, triggering a series of conflicts between the Afrikaner, Xhosa and Zulu for possession of the land.

The discovery of diamonds and gold mines triggered the conflict known as the Second Boer War, which pitted the British and the Boers for control of the country's mineral resources. Although the Boers were losers of the war, the United Kingdom granted independence in 1910 limited to South Africa as a British colony. Inside the country's white elite anti-British carried out a series of policies intended to achieve total independence. Racial segregation was gaining strength and impregnating the South African law was instituted regime become known by the name of apartheid, which established three categories of racial stratification.

The country finally achieved independence in 1961, when it was declared the Republic of South Africa. The government continued to legislate under the apartheid regime, despite opposition from both outside and inside the country. In 1990, the South African government began a series of negotiations that ended the discriminatory laws and the convening of the first democratic elections in 1994. After the elections the country rejoined the Commonwealth of Nations.

The written history of South Africa begins with the arrival of the Portuguese. In 1487 Bartholomew Diaz was the first European to reach the southernmost point of Africa, and named it Cabo das Storms (Cape of Storms) due to bad weather experienced in the region. However, when he returned to Lisbon laden with news about the discovery, King John II of Portugal wanted to change the name to Cabo da Boa Esperança (Cape of Good Hope) and from that point promised to establish a sea route to the Portuguese could go to seek the riches of India. Later the Portuguese poet Luís de Camões immortalized the journey of Bartholomew Diaz in the epic poem Lusiads, particularly with the mythological character Adamastor, which symbolizes the forces of nature Portuguese navigators had to overcome during the circumnavigation of the ropes . The first written accounts of the history of South Africa were obtained from the first sailors and shipwrecked survivors. During the two centuries after 1488 the Portuguese sailors made a few small fishing agreements that coast, but does not keep any written records about them. On April 6, 1652, Jan van Riebeeck established an aid station at the Cape of Good Hope to the Netherlands' East Indies. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the small colony was spreading slowly, mainly in the Netherlands sovereignty. The settlers eventually met with expanding Xhosa people in the Fish River region. It is then triggered a series of wars called the Cape Frontier Wars, caused by conflicts over land and food. To alleviate the shortage of workers in the Cape, slaves were brought from Indonesia, Madagascar, and India. The descendants of these slaves, who often intermarried with settlers Dutchmen, were later classified together with the descendants of the San as mestizos Cape and Cape Malays, who constitute almost half the population of the Western Cape Province.
Britain occupied the area of Cape of Good Hope in 1797 during the fourth Anglo-Holland. The Netherlands declared bankruptcy, and the British annexed the Cape Colony in January 1806. The British continued their wars against the Amaxhosa, pushing the eastern border to the east along a line of forts established along the Fish River and consolidating it to promote new British settlements. Due to pressure of abolitionist societies in Britain, the British parliament first stopped its global slave trade in 1806, later to abolish slavery in all its colonies in 1833.
kinder-rucksack.com, Previsioni lungo termine, Previsão do tempo, nemetmagyarszotar.com, Uber

ponedeljek, 14. junij 2010

Algeria Slovenia – 0 – 1

Robert Koren scored a late goal Sunday to give Slovenia a 1- win over 10-man Algeria in the teams' tournament opener, putting the World Cup's smallest nation — population 2 million, about the size of Houston — ahead of the United States and England in Group C.

The Slovenian captain struck a long-range shot that Algeria goalkeeper Fawzi Chaouchi misjudged and allowed to bounce into the net off his arm in the 79th minute.

"I was just lucky to see it go in like that," Koren mentioned.

Algerian coach Rabah Saadane mentioned the new World Cup ball was a challenge for goalkeepers.

"Everybody saw what happened with the ball, and what happened yesterday with England's goalkeeper," Saadane mentioned. "You have to adjust to the flight of the ball."

Algeria substitute Abdelkader Ghezzal was ejected seven minutes earlier, picking up a second yellow card for handling the ball inside the Slovenian penalty area.

It was the first World Cup victory for Slovenia. The Balkan country lost all three of its group matches in the 2002 tournament.

"It was a mental victory," mentioned Slovenian coach Matjaz Kek. "We wanted to win so much, so it's great for our confidence to get that win."

Both sides knew they were heading into a match in which a loss will be costly, with England and the united states — both higher ranked — left on the schedule. The Group C favorites tied 1-1 Saturday after a blunder by England goalkeeper Robert Green allowed Clint Dempsey's shot to trickle into the net.

Algeria twice came close to scoring in the first half, when Nadir Belhadj's 25-yard free kick forced Slovenia goalkeeper Samir Handanovic to stretch and push the ball over the crossbar, and when defender Rafik Halliche headed the ball just wide.

Algeria coach Rabah Saadane said Chaouchi apologized to the team for failing to track Koren's shot. But the coach refused to criticize the goalkeeper.

"We must recover and prepare for an even more difficult match against England, which is the best of the group," Saadane mentioned. "It's going to be very hard now. We had a great opportunity today and we missed it."

The players seemed nervous in the first half, frequently losing possession with inaccurate passes and crosses.

Slovenia's only scoring chance before the break was Valter Birsa's long-range attempt in the 43rd minute, tipped over the bar with a breathtaking right-hand save by Chaouchi.

The match could have taken a different turn two minutes before Koren's winner when Algeria's Karim Ziani caught defender Marko Suler off-guard and pushed toward the Slovenian goal, but was cut off by Handanovic.

There was some commotion in the stands during the break when former France excellent Zinedine Zidane, who is of Algerian descent, was forced to climb to a higher section to get away from autograph-seeking enthusiasts who were pushed back briskly by security guards.

Algeria beat North African rival Egypt in a tense playoff to qualify for the World Cup for the first time since 1986. Slovenia reached its second World Cup with an upset playoff victory over Russia.

Slovenia faces the U.S. next, while Algeria travels to Cape Town to take on England.

The game at the newly built Peter Mokaba Stadium was the first World Cup match played on a surface partly consisting of artificial grass. Similar turf is being used at some major stadiums in Europe.

"I do not really agree with this turf," Kek said. "It's no excuse, it's the same for Algeria as well. But it is a different game on this surface."
Previsioni meteo lungo termine, slownikangielskopolski.net, igre.spiel.si, Milano, Barto's personal site

Australia Germany – 0 – 4

Klose, leading scorer in the 2006 World Cup, managed to get 2- in the 27th minute with a well-taken goal - and his 11th in World Cup finals - rising among Australian captain Lucas Neill and Schwarzer to head strongly home from a Lahm cross.

"Every thing worked properly in fact it is critical that things gone properly during the 1st game," Klose explained.

"We have earned some respect. You could see that we had fun playing football out there. I know what i can do. I feel great."

Germany coach Joachim Loew was delighted too.

"I am very happy about the performance, we showed some quick passing and good speed," he said.

The Socceroos paid a heavy price for the dismissal of Tim Cahill, shown a straight red card in the 56th minute by Mexican referee Marco Rodriguez for a very clumsy challenge on Bastian Schweinsteiger.

Two goals in a matter of minutes from Mueller (67) and Cacau (70), on as a replacement for Klose, sealed Australia's dismal start to their third World Cup campaign.

Mueller, who started the season in Bayern Munich's reserves, looked like he'd overrun a Podolski through-ball it but he dragged it back and shot accurately past Schwarzer, in off the post.

With the Australian defence in disarray, Caucau then had a simple tuck-in from another inch-perfect pass into the box by the 21-year-old Oezil.

It was Australia who had the first real chance of the game, Lahm clearing a close-range effort by Richard Garcia in the fourth minute.

And for all their fine attacking instincts, Germany did at times look slow to close down at the back, allowing time and space for both Garcia and replacement Brett Holman to have shots on target.
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